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Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions, and some tips for performance



Microsoft Flight Simulator X crashing repeatedly in flight

The most frequent cause for FSX crashes is a DLL file called uiautomationcore.dll. One way to fix it is to download the fixed uiautomationcore.dll here: and to replace the one in the FSX root folder with the one you have downloaded. Make sure to select the correct version for your windows. (X32  or X64 ) Note: this is issue is mostly on X64 systems.


Joystick Controls Disconnect during flight

This is usually due to too much stress on the sim since FSX is a old system, or it can also be the PC that disabled them to save power.(in that case go into  your device manager, find device poperties, then power settings and disable the power saving settings) But here is a solution that also may work for you: when youre controls disconnect press ALT+ ENTER. the Sim will go into full screen mode.wait for a few seconds and then press ALT+ENTER again. the controls should have come back. if this does not work try disabling the power saving settings like i mentionned above.

Airplane Wing

Low FPS in Microsoft flight simulator X tips

Low FPS in microsoft flight simulator is very common so here are a few tips on how< to gain some frames in FSX.

1. Razer Cortex

If you did not know this program yet, you can get it, its free, and it optimizes your pc core gpu and CPU for gaming. this can make you win some frames.


This line is a tweak that also boosts the Frames in game. to install it go into your FSX.CFG ( Windows key+R, type %appdata% then go into microsoft/ FSX/FSX.cfg) When you are inside the CFG, under [GRAPHICS] section type in HIGHMEFIX=1 and then you can save.


3. Recommended FSX settings for low spec PC's

Here are a few tips on the best settings for FSX.

We will go by pages (Display, aircraft, scenery, weather and finally Traffic)


In the display tab we will start by setting the FPS to 30.

Next set the filtering to Bilinear.

then on the right turn OFF Lens flare.

set the overall quality to Very high.

You can set the informational text to: Continuous

Make sure the resolution is set to the one on your screen.


For best performance, set the aircraft preset to Very Low  ,You can also turn off "cockpit tool tips 'if you want.


In this Tab here, you can set the preset to "Medium High". If the game is still laggy try reducing it to "medium Low" .


weather can consume a lot of FPS. But for those with a PC who can handle it, you can set the weather as follows:

Cloud Draw distance: 71 miles /112km

thermal visualization : OFF

you cans et the cloud detail to :detailed clouds

 and cloud coverage density to : Maximum.

leave the  everything in the simulation settings tab unchecked and the slider to 0.


Traffic is one of the settings that eat up your frames like candy.

so, we will leave all the airliner and general aviation sliders on none. the aircraft labels also have to be switched off.

You can still keeplike 10 percent off car and boat traffic, though the less TFC there is the more frames you will get.

Remember to set the Airport vehicle density to Low or none.

Save and restart the sim to save changes.


=>Note if youre sim is taking a long time to load,, you can try adding the  Disable Preload=1 under [MAIN]


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